“Buggy Ride” is pretty much an older term that was used to soothe a crying baby, to show the baby the beautiful flowers or trees and the many other beautiful things nature has to offer. Sometimes there was a net to go over the top so no bugs or mosquitos could get inside the buggy. There was a hood on the buggy that could be put up on a sunny day to shield the baby. When the baby would cry or be unhappy, this buggy could calm the baby.

So now the years have past and this caring person that gave me a “Buggy Ride” could use my attention, reassurance, kindness and love. We have the ability to make this person’s later years a pleasant and secure “Buggy Ride”.

What are some of the many things we can do to make this special person feel loved, useful, independent and cared for? Here are some ideas for us to think about so they have a safe ride – not in the order of importance, but at different times in their life.

These are just of few of things that we can do to give our loved one their “Buggy Ride”